Friday, September 6, 2013

Survey comments from the respondents

The importance of the dialect

Comment from the respondents based on this question,

"As a Chinese, do you think that dialect is important to us and it should be pass down to the next generation?"

It's our culture 
Yes. Because we live in Malaysia. If it is not passed down it will be lost forever.
Dialect is fairly important to us since it resembles and reflects the uniqueness of the culture of the society that we are living. 
As a chinese, wee need to past our dialect to our future generation to ensure our dialect is not extinct 
yes, know more better than nothing 
yes, because that's part of our culture. although most of the people nowadays are majority speaks english then mandarin, but somehow i feel that speaking in dialect will make the relation get closer to each other. 
It's important. Should pass on.   
YES! We must protect our mother' tongues 
Yes, i think is very important to pass down to our next generation because we need to sustain our mother tongue. 
it is our history 
yes,is very important. 
it is a must to pass down our dialect to our next generation 
Yes, no harm to know more. 
Yes, it is important for us to teach our younger generation on our mother tongue. 
Yes, there would be a lost of culture if it didn't 
Yes. So that they understand the importance of mother tongue. 
yes,it show who we are  
so far so good just depending on parent need to talk with they children or not 
yes,,, should pass to the next generation... 
yes, that is the unique point of every Chinese culture.  
yes. it is our culture n identity. 
It is fun to be unique

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