Saturday, September 7, 2013

Based on the survey questionnaire that I did on 100 Malaysia-Chinese about how well can they speak their own dialect. This group of people are mainly from the ancestry of Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan and Teochew. I've found out that 20% of the people that participated in this survey could not even speak their own dialect and is only less than half of them can speak their own dialect fluently which most of them are the younger generation which aged below 21. One of the main reason that they cannot speak their own dialect is because their parents do not speak to them. Followed by the rules and regulations of the school, which do not allow student to speak any of the dialects except mandarin. That is why more than half of them speak mandarin and other language fluently other than their own dialect. In this situation, the future generation will not be able to speak in their own dialect.

Less than half of the people use their own dialect in daily communication with family members. Most them would prefer to speak in their own dialect but they do not have a chance to learn it and only less than 1% of them think that it is not useful to use the dialect in daily communication. More than 85% are interested in learning to speak well in their own dialect and the other dialect if they got a chance to do so. More than 99% from the total of people that participated in the survey think that dialect is important to us as a Malaysian-Chinese, and it should be pass down to the next generation so that there would not be a lost of culture.

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