Monday, September 9, 2013

Output Ideas

Interactive Wall, responded when the audience walk closer.

Mobile games, able to compete score with friends

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Based on the survey questionnaire that I did on 100 Malaysia-Chinese about how well can they speak their own dialect. This group of people are mainly from the ancestry of Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan and Teochew. I've found out that 20% of the people that participated in this survey could not even speak their own dialect and is only less than half of them can speak their own dialect fluently which most of them are the younger generation which aged below 21. One of the main reason that they cannot speak their own dialect is because their parents do not speak to them. Followed by the rules and regulations of the school, which do not allow student to speak any of the dialects except mandarin. That is why more than half of them speak mandarin and other language fluently other than their own dialect. In this situation, the future generation will not be able to speak in their own dialect.

Less than half of the people use their own dialect in daily communication with family members. Most them would prefer to speak in their own dialect but they do not have a chance to learn it and only less than 1% of them think that it is not useful to use the dialect in daily communication. More than 85% are interested in learning to speak well in their own dialect and the other dialect if they got a chance to do so. More than 99% from the total of people that participated in the survey think that dialect is important to us as a Malaysian-Chinese, and it should be pass down to the next generation so that there would not be a lost of culture.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Survey comments from the respondents

The importance of the dialect

Comment from the respondents based on this question,

"As a Chinese, do you think that dialect is important to us and it should be pass down to the next generation?"

It's our culture 
Yes. Because we live in Malaysia. If it is not passed down it will be lost forever.
Dialect is fairly important to us since it resembles and reflects the uniqueness of the culture of the society that we are living. 
As a chinese, wee need to past our dialect to our future generation to ensure our dialect is not extinct 
yes, know more better than nothing 
yes, because that's part of our culture. although most of the people nowadays are majority speaks english then mandarin, but somehow i feel that speaking in dialect will make the relation get closer to each other. 
It's important. Should pass on.   
YES! We must protect our mother' tongues 
Yes, i think is very important to pass down to our next generation because we need to sustain our mother tongue. 
it is our history 
yes,is very important. 
it is a must to pass down our dialect to our next generation 
Yes, no harm to know more. 
Yes, it is important for us to teach our younger generation on our mother tongue. 
Yes, there would be a lost of culture if it didn't 
Yes. So that they understand the importance of mother tongue. 
yes,it show who we are  
so far so good just depending on parent need to talk with they children or not 
yes,,, should pass to the next generation... 
yes, that is the unique point of every Chinese culture.  
yes. it is our culture n identity. 
It is fun to be unique

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summary of survey


Are you a Chinese?


What is your age?

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

What is your profession?

What's your Ancestry?

Can you speak your own dialect?

How well can you speak your own dialect?

What is the highest level of education your parents have completed?

Will you teach your next generation to speak your mother's tongue?

Besides your mother's tongue, what other dialect do you speak?

How frequent do you use your dialect in daily communication?

Are you interested in learning the dialect, if you got the chance to learn?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Research- Survey Questionnaire

Survey questionnaire for the Chinese Dialect Preservation

-What's your Ancestry?

-Can you speak your own dialect?

-How well can you speak your own dialect?

-What is the highest level of education your parents have completed?

-Will you teach your next generation to speak your mother's tongue?

-Besides your mother's tongue, what other dialect do you speak?

-How frequent do you use your dialect in daily communication?

-Are you interested in learning the dialect, if you got the chance to learn?

-As a Chinese, do you think that dialect is important to us and it should be pass down to the next generation?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Aesthetic value of Chinese dialect

Chinese dialects have more than 3000 years of history and are divided into mainly 4 types of that often speak by Malaysian Chinese are Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka and Teochew. These dialects came from our ancestor that came from different part of china, it is our mother tongue. We usually speak among family or friends, this would make our relation of friends and family getting closer, it would let us feel familiar. Nowadays Malaysian Chinese mainly are using lingua franca to communicate with people, and if we do not preserve we might lost it forever. Although using lingua franca is easier to communicate with but we lose our identity of Chinese. Most of the younger generation is not learning the dialects of their own, and their parents are not teaching them to speak.
Speaking of Chinese dialects is not just to get closer to people but it is also the Chinese culture. In Cantonese there are divided into 3 subgroup that is Guangfu, Sei Yap and Guangxi and it is a little different and this is the unique point of Chinese culture. Dialect is also history from china that preserved and circulated by our ancestry. Beside that Chinese dialects not just spoken by Chinese it also spoke by many races in Malaysia. In some of the country’s Chinese had lost their root of Chinese dialects and their surname also changed. In conclusion, if we do not preserve our dialects and hand down to our younger generation, we will lose our Chinese identity and culture. Chinese is not Chinese anymore if we do not speak our own dialect.

Justification of Research

I want to do this research because I want to promote the usage of Chinese dialect in Malaysia and to show the values to preserve and to pass down to the next generation.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Proposal

Theme: Preservation

Communication – Malaysian-Chinese dialect

Speaking chinese dialect is a culture that represent Chinese in Malaysia. Chinese are usually communicate with each other in their own dialect. People feel that speaking in dialect will make the relation get closer. As the world changes, the practice was not passed down to the new generation and the culture of speaking own dialect are going to disappear. Most of the younger generation are not able to speak in their own dialect and they think that it is not important.

My objective in this project is to preserve the chinese dialects in Malaysia which is going to disappeared. Encourage people to speak in their own dialect and learn about the important and the aesthetic value of these dialects.

Suggested Output
-Graphic Installation