Monday, June 17, 2013

Critique 1

Topic: Language

Language is the main protocol for people to communicate; language represents culture and perspective of the speaker. Every country in the world has their own language. Malaysia as a multilingual country, have Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, Tamil and so on. Because of the multiple languages in Malaysia, we have what we call bahasa rojak or “mixed language” and it is widely used by Malaysians. This language is the speciality in Malaysia where people from different race and background can communicate. 

Topic: Communication

In the past people used to communicate with each other in face-to-face manner, but due to the improvement in technology, people seldom talk to each other like this anymore. Rather, people prefer to send messages via social network or others communication tools. Messages can't show the emotion of somebody and it can easily lead to misunderstandings. Face-to-face communication is very important; during conversation one can observe the body language, the attitude and feel the emotion that of the speaker. The speaker is able to express his/her true feelings and it cannot be done by sending messages. Example, wishing friend happy birthday by sending message is not as precious as wishing him/her face-to-face and that is why we need to have face-to-face job interview and presentations. 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Project Topic
The art and science of PRESERVATION

Definition of Preserve

To maintain (something) in its original of existing state.
To keep safe from danger or extinct.


1) Food - Preserve the original taste of the traditional dishes and the way of making it

2) Culture - Preserve the way of the people used to communicate, like how neighbour used to communicate with each others